- Peter Broderick
- guitar, drums, voice, violin
- Nils Frahm
- synth bass, juno
— Video directed by Alexander Southam —
To this day I often type the word ‘hear’ when I mean to write ‘here’. I think it’s one of those common mixups, like ‘there’ and ‘their’, which just rolls off your fingers without you noticing. And a lot of the time people probably even read it without noticing the error. The title It Starts Hear is something of an homage, embracing this falsity which actually makes some strange kind of sense for someone like me who spends much of his life focusing on sounds.
Toward the end (or at least what I then thought was the end) of creating this album, I had a total of nine songs, none of which really sounded like a ‘single’. Nils and I talked about making a shorter track more suitable for radio play, and I ended up saying that if we were going to make a single, it had to be a hip-hop song. And that’s how this song got started.
I love the beats in hip-hop, and the rhythmic drive of the vocal delivery. In the end I didn’t really end up rapping. More just talking in a sometimes-rhythmic manner, over the top of this clunky beat created by me tapping on the guitar pickup and banging away on a drum set.
The text in this song, as nonsensical as it might sound, has a very clear and personal meaning for me which I don’t dare to go into here. I guess it’s a bit ironic that one of my happiest sounding songs is, underneath all the fluff, one of the most troubling.
What have you seen?
What haven’t you seen?
Most things
I can’t be certain but I think
I have a lot to learn
About you
Sometimes you fill the air
And it’s hard for me to breath
A collection of images, words
And sounds is distracting
Always distracting
But of course I can’t ask anything of you
Because this isn’t even my guitar
h t t p : / / w w w . it starts hear . com
h t t p : / / w w w . it starts hear . com
Maybe you can make one big everything
By combining everything
But you’ll never know what’s missing
And if your scale is too large
Your weight won’t even register
h t t p : / / w w w . it starts hear . com
h t t p : / / w w w . it starts hear . com
I wanted to say, ‘There is love here.’
I wanted to say, ‘I am ready to share.’
But I don’t own anything
I don’t own anything
And that’s why I’ll go silent
79 Comments on “It Starts Hear”
commented on
“one of my happiest sounding songs is, underneath all the fluff, one of the most troubling”
I have a whole Spotify playlist full of this kind of stuff. You’d be surprised how many songs are like it.
Well, it doesn’t help that I oftentimes think that most songs are happy-sounding even though they are obviously not.
I call this paradox “Posttraumatic Happiness.”
commented on
Ha… I hate that I love this. I love this
commented on
Good evening Peter,
This is Somin from Busan, south Korea.
I am a student majoring in Art&Image (actually ‘Film’).
(Ah! at first, I want to tell you that I’m not good at English, so please kindly understand my tough grammar)
Currently, I am preparing to direct a new film and I am now thinking about ‘invisible things’, ‘something beyond words’ ‘objectless love’, etc.
Hearing your song was a struck of good fortune for me today. Cuz I think my work is really fits in with the lyrics of your song, and upon listening to that music, I think it can make my work more fantastic!
So, regarding that issue, I want to talk more about your music and my film with you then, I believe, it will be great chance for me.
Could you send me a messge back if you interest in my new work?
I’m now waiting for you
Love, Somin.
jasmine Nie
commented on
Hi~ Peter , I am from China. I heard this song from an app that name is Wang yi Yun. I like this song very much. Many thanks.
commented on
Hi, Peter!I am from China. I like your style,I think you are creative!Keep fighting!加油!继续努力
commented on
Hi Peter!
A friend of mine introduced me to your music and it’s more than lovely and refreshing to re-emerge from muddy waters that covered my world for some time to find your beautiful art in the world out there/ in here.
You have a marvellous way to do things and wake these tiny sleeping seeds of love inside. I feel inspired again to measure on smaller scales, to indulge in everyday’s poetry.
Because what’s gone is gone, dissolving reverberations in mind…
and life is ever fresh – it starts hear.com
Love, Melanie
commented on
The person, this piece sounds nonsensical to, does not possess senses nor any reflection. I am not sure if I really get the personal meaning it has to you (I would love to learn more on that), but whatever it might be, it gives a very personal meaning to me and leaves me speechless.
Discovered this morning, incredible 3 years too late.
Thanks for this piece.
From music fanatic to brilliant musician…
Jerry Kaywell
commented on
I have become a huge fan, Peter. You’re truly musical and very artistic. Actually, what you loved so much about Colin is you yourself sparkling in his mirror. Rock on!
Karson K
commented on
I like you’re style. It conjures up images and takes me to a weird place, but I enjoy it.
commented on
Loved your performance in Fredericton, NB. Been listening to your work religiously since. Keep making music! I love to watch real artists like yourself progress. Think I’m going to buy your “Colours of the Night EP”. “Take Me Back” really spoke to me.
Anyways. Congrats- Cheers!
Peter Broderick
replied on
thanks josh! i had a blast in fredericton
commented on
the guitar chords are amazing! really love this song to bits! please make more of this
so if you didn’t notice:
you’re amazing
keep on the good work
commented on
ah well. i feel awkward now ive just realised i couldve written to you here since most of my email refers back to It Satrs Hear, but i sent you an email instead.
i keep playing this now, im just catching up. i should go to sleep. this is amazing.
Peter Broderick
replied on
thanks for your words ramona.
all the best,
commented on
Hi Peter,
This is an incredible album .
And thanks a lot for coming to Manchester – an awesome night. Looking forward to your return!
Strong love, carry
Josh Tuntland
commented on
This is Josh, Andrews friend. I just got back from traveling the world and well needless to say it was nothing short of amazing. I didn’t want to come home. I feel in shock. Somehow though I stumbled onto this song and it really lifted my spirits and made me feel something outside of my uncertainty at the moment. I love the lyrics and yes maybe they are sad but they say something I’ve wanted to say so many times myself. I love it!! Your music is always inspiring and you don’t need to be more edgy. Fuck that!! Plenty of edge out there already. Edges are for falling off to certain doom . Keep making music I can swim in. Ah!!! Thank you.
Peter Broderick
replied on
josh! that’s so sweet.
welcome back! hope to see you again before too long.
commented on
This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful music.
commented on
its one of the coolest concept for either a album or a song!
i like your songs very much!
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Came to Brazil, please…
commented on
I can’t speak English, but i know your songs are really beautiful.
Danny Saul
commented on
Absolute magic. Just reminded of this wonderful track…you are a total Badass Peter.
commented on
merci !
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Whilst this song is highly personalised, I feel that anyone with any meaningful experiences (everyone) can at least find their own personal interpretation.
Thanks for all your work. I’ve loved it all so far.
Phillip Hatcher
commented on
This song is seriously, amazing. So glad I graduated from the same high school as you did Peter. Gives me a little hope.
But I think I get this song. Sometimes the weight can bee too much to hold bear. We all find our paths by ourselves. Sometimes it just takes us a while wondering through the tree’s to find it.
commented on
Peter, when you want to perform concert in South America? We need your music here too.
commented on
I talk about music a lot. and i talk about you and this album, one of the things i say is that you can’t quite imagine that singing a web address could be so damn catchy!
I was very excited to see you performing Piramida with Efterklang at The Sage Gateshead recently and the only thing that could have improved it would be if you had been supporting them too (as good a job as John Grant did). I had actually seen you and your sister with them 2 years previous performing Magic Chairs but at that point i wasn’t aware of your own music.
I hope to see you performing your own works at some point in the future and until then I’ll keep enjoying you through recorded medium.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes
amira syazana
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commented on
So impressed with your music…so honest and from the deepest corners of the heart…beautiful. I was triggered to spit it out what was lying on my heart by impressiones of your song…
Thank you.
commented on
Hi, happy XMAS. I’m Salvo from Italy and I think that this song is one of the most beautiful “piece” I have ever heard, and the text is too much beautiful. I have just uncovered you like musician; so I will listen all your songs.
HappyHolidays from Italy
commented on
my cat love your music and when i sleeping my cat say in my head : buy to peter broderick’s albuuuuuuummmmmmmm……rrrrrrRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRrrrr. my cat is a persécutor but i love my cat…………………………………….my blog………………………………………………………is…………………………………………………….h……t.t…..p..:…./…../..www……………..raynaudlaura.blogspot………………cooooom.
commented on
your work is magical!
commented on
i wanted to dance. but my headphones tie me.
memories i never had, surface and, blimey, there’s a
crackle, some wind and a bird whirling
i see myself down here, a lump to trip over
i see myself up there, flying away, leaving
Nassim Donald
commented on
Your music is a big inspiration to me. I love the new album. The title track is superb.
I’d love to get your feedback on a track of mine. I haven’t got far past the demo, but it’s a start.
Come to London!
commented on
thanksthanksthanks for that song.
the video is an amazing work!!
commented on
Hi Peter, nice to (at least virtually) meet you! I’m leaving here a short and simple comment not only about this song , which I really like a lot, but also about your music. The first song of yours to which I listened is “not at home”, a couple of years ago, on youtube, and I really liked it.
Then I discovered Efterklang and that you were a part of it, and that was really a nice surprise.
However, I just wanted to say “thank you” for all the beautiful things that your music can evoke; keep on this way!!
p.s. I’m from Verona, Italy, but I’m working in Germany…
so I hope to see you in Frankfurt with Efterklang on the 18th of
December!! Will you be there?
Have a nice day, Peter!
commented on
This is the first song I have listened to, first on youtube, the video is amazing and I liked the lyrics so much, I wasn’t aware that the name of the album would actually be a real website, but I thought I should try it, then I stumbled over this. I like to listen to everything in the right order, but wanted to read about this song first, learn more about it, like it wouldn’t make much difference in this case, I could choose. I don’t think I’m ready for the other ones yet. When I finish typing this, checking if there’re any errors and pondering if what I’m saying isn’t too embarassing, I want to listen to it again. I had a very troubled day, internally, I just felt so uncomfortable and this song was the first thing that really calmed me down.
Thank you.
Much respect from Brazil.
replied on
Loved what you wrote about the song and the experience you underwent through with it as a whole. I was checking the comments and saw you’re from Brazil too (Belo Horizonte myself). Funny to see how this specific song is getting more and more known by Brazilians and falling into everyone’s taste! I usually start cramping by the end of the day at work with the song rolling in my head when i haven’t listened to it all afternoon. It’s like my body feels the urge of hearing it and that will needs to be soothed asap. when i do, it immediately calms me down. the ‘h t t p : / /” refrain functions like a mantra! hahah
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commented on
This is the reason music is so important. It allows us to say what we need to. We still really don’t have the opportunity to though. It is not important enough for some people to hear. Here it might be though. I am still curious to understand. Not my place maybe. Not a puzzle I need to solve I suppose. Wish I had a friend that thought like this. It’d help me with my writing.
commented on
A little further into you album, I have to ask about this song: is it me being a guitarist, or are you addressing your instrument? If so, it is done beautifully and I feel what you say is so personal about the meaning for you as a musician. And by no means do I think it is something you shouldn’t dare to go into here on your personal/public (yes, the age of paradox again!) sphere.
Peter Broderick
replied on
that’s a lovely thought . . . but no, i’m not speaking to the guitar… :-/
replied on
Thank you for reacting; I guess there’ll remain some enigmas then
commented on
love in all parameters
love for Peter Broderick and for this album
danny board
commented on
Well your album just appeared on my dropbox folder – no-one knows nos nose who put it there – their it just was.
I guess you 2 to too two tu get frustrated what to learn next, ability to give everything a try and learn it to a degree and then go on and try something else – instruments seem the next logical step music being the greatest communicator. thanks for the inspiration keep sharing your gift – dannyss
commented on
No you never know what’s missing. Just like an animal really.
commented on
simply beatifullllllllllllll!
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I love her so much.
I think about her all the time.
“the right thing at the wrong time.” Indeed.
Words and sentences haunt me, but them I can handle. It’s the feelings I miss. To feel.
Another time.
Another place.
Benjamin van Vliet
commented on
Beautiful song, with such a sad last verse. I’m glad that your more experimental, frivolous side has found its way onto this album!
commented on
simply said – one of the most beautifully crafted, sounded, heard record I came across recently. truly brilliant! thank you!
commented on
I’m ever so very slightly disappointed to have it confirmed by this song that the URL of this site is neither “it’s tart shear” nor “its tarts hear”. I’d been imagining cakes and brazen women flying around corners and wondering—with no little amount of curiosity—what exactly it *was* that they all heard.
Now I’ll never know.
Paul Lambert
commented on
What can i say Peter, a(nother) great album, do you ever stop to breathe?
Love ‘it starts hear’, simply pop-tastic!
When you touring the UK & Holland next?
commented on
This morning I was listening to this song for the first time and I most admit my attention span to anything else than a choreography for this piece, was minimal. I think this is one of the most inspirational things I stumbled upon
Peter Broderick
replied on
oh yes, i’d love to see that!!
commented on
Great song. Thanks!
Mark and Marcie Garwell
commented on
It was Marcie’s 9th birthday today and we drove through pouring rain for two hours to buy a Bonsai tree for her birthday. We had a magical day laughing and joking together in the car and on the way back listened to this song 6 times on the trot, singing the chorus as loudly as we could.
Thanks Peter.
Peter Broderick
replied on
awesome! and happy birthday marcie
commented on
It is one thing to hum along with a catchy song that has meaningless or even embarassing lyrics if you stop to think about it, it is quite another to actually catch yourself singing a website address. But I couldn’t help myself today: the h t t p etc. kept popping up in my head while I was at at work, with the added bonus that it actually had a calming, almost balming effect (like a mantra indeed), and helped me survive a busy & hectic day.
Thank you for that, Mr Broderick!
Peter Broderick
replied on
a mantra, yes
commented on
I keep on listening to it over and over again, I can’t stop. It has something inside that makes me addicted. Thanks!
commented on
This is the third cd of yours that I have bought and they are always interesting and moving ( I can barely listen to ‘eyeballs’ without shedding a tear) but this new one adds a sonic beauty and accessibilty. It’s like a soundtrack of a life waiting to be made into a film. Superb.
commented on
»aitch tee tee pee, colon slash slash, dubya dubya dubya dot it starts hear dot com… it kind of comes across like Massive Attack have written him a radio jingle« – quoted from Norman Records.
Great track! Amazing project, ace execution. Congrats, Peter!
Peter Broderick
replied on
nice! that’s the second review to mention advertising jingles . . . the other review wasn’t a positive one though… but i’m glad to hear that reference because that’s sort of what i was aiming for. there’s something to be said about those melodies you hear in a commercial as a child, so catchy you can never forget them.
commented on
You really teached me something important and deep with these lyrics.
I just wanted to thank you, as I keep listening to this song and I never get tired of it; each time is different, and it seems to me I find something new.
This is more than a song to me. This is almost a mantra, especially the last part.
So thank you again. I do mean it
Peter Broderick
replied on
lovely! thank you <3
commented on
Amazing … That is gonna get played a helluva lot over the next few days i’m sure … you manage to fill the music with something that illudes most artists … & a Cat lover too … Yay !
commented on
thanks a thousand times. I’ve listened to it maybe 50 times, and the song helped me find my thoughts and feelings. wonderful and helping!
The Good Energy
commented on
Sound Escape by The Good Energy
respect from Brighton
commented on
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look to his friends.
that was my favorite quote.
I listened to this song several times and now my favorite quote is;
Maybe you can make one big everything
By combining everything
But you’ll never know what’s missing
And if your scale is too large
Your weight won’t even register.
probably the most simple but beautiful peice parable writing i’ve heard in a while, hats off to you good sir from a now Humbled Musician.
Peter Broderick
replied on
wow, that’s quite the quote i’ve managed to beat! from one humbled musician to the other, thank you.
Fab (Paris, france)
commented on
I had never heard anything about you.
I stumbled across the video for ” It Starts Hear” by chance. Or serendipity as they say
And it really moved me. Musically, first, because the melody is (seems) so simple and obvious. THAT chorus just made me so happy for weeks !
And then I understood there would be an album, and a website.. I was so pleased when I realized that the website would not be online until the album’s released ! Because it would make it a companion-site as opposed to a promo-site. Which is so unusual .
And …er…now it’s ON !
It was worth the wait. I’m discovering the songs and vids and comments and having such a great time.
Thanks Mr Broderick.
I’ll be happy to tell about itastartshear.com on my blog so that a few people in France, too, find out about your beautiful project.
Have a nice day.
commented on
its so (!) nice. thanks a lot! leif
Dennis Stempher
commented on
This is so special, it goes beyond words…
What makes it even more special (though pure coincidence of course) is that it coincides with a personal loss, which (when turning a negative into a positive) is also a new start again… So yes, hear is where it starts
Thanks so much for creating this wonderful project Peter!
Thomas Husmer
commented on
Congrats Peter, with the launch of this fantastic website. Love it !
commented on
And I read “Heart” in stead of “hear”
I’m famous for my typo’s
commented on
Who would ever think that i would be singing a website :p Great song though
Giovanni Amoroso
commented on
Dear Peter, i’m really impressed with this wonderful album. Congratulations!
This is my small tribute:
Peter Broderick
replied on
wow, thanks giovanni! google translate tells me you’ve written some very nice words
Matthew Causey
commented on
Great hook in a song about a website about the song about a website about the song about . . .