- Peter Broderick
- piano, marimba, wurlitzer, celeste, violin, voice, keyboards
- Friedrich Störmer
- upright bass
- pi•an•o [pee-an-oh] noun
- a musical instrument in which felt-covered hammers, operated from a keyboard, strike the metal strings.
- pi•a•no [pee-ah-noh] adjective
- soft; subdued.
These are the first two definitions of piano from dictionary.com, October 2011, and they are essentially the two sides of the same word I was considering when I started to sing the words ‘I am piano’
back in late 2008.
One can definitely argue it’s not true, that I am neither one of these definitions. But singing those words really felt right, especially at that time, and all things that feel right must be grounded in some kind of truth, right?
I posted this video clip on my (now dormant) flickr page soon after I wrote this song, feeling energized by this new musical idea in the same way that I am every time I create something new, eager to share it with the world and for the world to share it with me by offering outside feedback.
One of the first comments was something like, ‘Please make this an album song.’ This recording is a belated response to that comment which I never forgot.
103 Comments on “I Am Piano”
commented on
I had no idea that I literally was piano, but now that I know, I feel quite good about it. This is a wonderful website, and a great album.
Amy Cui
commented on
Very beautiful music! The whole ideal of this album is very interesting.
Appreciation from China
commented on
I just learned that piano meant soft the other day in my music lesson. Makes me feel I arrived at this page for a reason. I still can’t bring myself to play very softly though. Maybe one of these days I will learn. Beautiful music and art, Peter. Thank you.
Ryan Van Goethen
commented on
Hello Peter,
I am getting married in September of this year. This song is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard . It’s progression sets the perfect tone to how I view this day. As I listen to this song, it makes me feel like something special is happening and that is the vibe I would love to create for our wedding day. I hope that this is not bad form, if it is, please just tell me. Is there an option to purchase the sheet music so that we can have an orchestra play this song?
Please let me know, would love to have this song played on our wedding day.
Maithili Deena
commented on
hey Mr. Peter,
this is such an amazing and a real beautifulll piece of art that you have created. I am a designer from India, working on creation of a line for the visually challenged , helping them imagine colors . Please allow me to use your track for my collection. I’m blessed to have come across your art “I am piano! “. would like to take your consent sir .thank you much for being here, in this universe same as mine.. feeling blessed truly.! Take tons of care..!
SeokWoo Chang
commented on
Dear Peter,
Hi my name is SeokWoo Chang and I’m live in South Korea. I’m a university student and my major is Film study.
I heard your piano song which is named ” I am Piano ” and it was really great song.
And I want to use that song for my video so before I use the song I wants to ask you to the permission of using you song In youtube.
The video has similar ambient with
This video. Our video talk about the the bloom of youth. Also the vide is a Student work which has no aim of any profit or income. and if is possible to use your song we will make a video and we will upload it to youtube. so I want to ask again it is possible to use your song also if there is any terms about copy right or conditions for using the song we wants to know that!
For our video we hope to use your great song Thank you so much to read this also I’m sorry that my english is so bad hehe
-With much Hope with respect Seokwoo Chang
Geert Verbeke
commented on
Dear Peter,
Keith Jarrett, Carla Bley, Chick Corea, Joep Beving and you… A haiku to thank you all for the poetry.
crazy tea sellers
sitting in the cool shade
of their piano
commented on
I love this song!!!!!
Joel Saterfiel
commented on
I like it, all your music is straight from your heart and your heart is expressed so fully through that instrument. Definitely something worth making a song about! I saw you at the Doug Fir in Portland some time ago and i still regard it as a special experience in my life. To see such pure unpretentious expression without worry of judgment allowed me to see you and the simple beauty of your heart. The kind of beauty we all have but unfortunately sometimes gets snuffed out by the ugly parts of this world. I sincerely wish this never happens to you. This world has an appetite for hearts like yours, it wants to devour it, until theres nothing left but an empty,broken, and lost person and at the end say “see.. there was nothing there”. But even if that was the case, that shining and burning heart that stands alone and refuses to die will still sing and be heard. I wish i could sit with you and teach you the answers to the questions that keep you up. There is a force that exists that works in direct opposition to the force this worlds Ruler put on you and everyone. A force that believes in the beauty of man. That wants to bring about a world where the hearts of all mankind will thrive and shine brightly without fear. What great music we will all make then!
-with much hope and love,
commented on
Don’t stop!!! )))
Steven Doman
commented on
This is such a lovely song. I can’t believe that I stumbled onto your website three years late.
Christopher Murray
commented on
I am so happy to have discovered you. I listen to your music all the time .. You are a true inspiration. You create amazing places
… Thank you …
commented on
Youre a strange bird. I like it though.
commented on
Hi Peter
i can’t believe such art could come from such a young person … amazing x
commented on
Hi Peter!
I love you and your sound because I think your sound is directly linked with winter and I am in love with winter.
I want to see you in Turkey. I hope that one day you can come. In Turkey, there are many people who like your sound.
Take care
commented on
When I heard it on Radio 2 on the Bob Harris show very early this morning it reminded me of the Penguin Cafe Orchestra. IS this going to be released on a hard copy CD?
Peter Broderick
replied on
hi andy!
sure thing. the album is available on both cd and vinyl. try here:
commented on
Love your music man, it’s so raw and un-produced, really refreshing to listen to. Love listening to your music while taking a stroll or hiking in beautiful New Zealand
David Ortman
commented on
Peter – I absolutely love your music…and don’t forget that I told you not to forget about me when you get big! LOL. You’ve really made great music. I’d like at some point to come to a show if you are in Portland. Take care Peter.
David Ortman
Peter Broderick
replied on
great to hear from you! i will be playing in portland on september 27 at mississippi studios. i’d love to see you there! of course i’d never forget you…
June Parc
commented on
The point is simple. Peter, you are a genius!
replied on
Julio one of your mexican fans
commented on
i’m a professional photographer
and man i love your work
im always seeking for inspiration
to take pictures
and your music
it touches my soul
i feel in peace, relax, nostalgic and a little melancholic
but all in a very good and peaceful way
it really put me in a very good mood
so thank you very much
i don’t if it is the correct way to share my image from Flickr

i will just put the URL
when i was editing this picture in particular i thought of your music
thanks for everything again
Saludos desde Mexico
un Abrazo
and sorry for my bad english
commented on
Thank you for your creativity
Good luck in life and success in work
From Russia with love
commented on
Heard this on Bob Harris on the weekend. I was driving and as soon as it started I turned up the volume and paid full attention, something about the intro had me transfixed. Congratulations on writing a beautiful song, I’m going to order your album tonight.
Tony the meteorite slayer!
commented on
Just heard this track on ‘Bob Harris Sunday’ on BBC Radio 2 here in London UK. It is so hauntingly beautiful that I have just ordered the CD from Amazon!! Keep up the good work and keep making the music!!
commented on
Hi Peter,
I Caught your track on Bob Harris last night. I have radio shows on The Wave 96.4FM Wales and Swansea Sound. Please have you a copy to play?
14, Cledwen Close
VALE Of Glamorgan
I’m also station manager at Bro Radio Local Community Radio and present thne daily breakfast show
Keep up the FAB work
Very Best Wishes
Peter Broderick
replied on
i sent a request over to the record label and i’ve been told they’re on it! there should be something on the way
Jan Hein
commented on
Hi Peter,
When the song, the music, the player, singer and the piano are One, then this is what you get
Keep on expressing One, I like it a lot.
Best wishes,
Jan Hein
Albert Lloreta
commented on
This is absolutely amazing.
commented on
THis is beautiful stuff! nice concept as well! keep it up man!
commented on
Hey lets go skate one of this days
Emilia Munoz
commented on
One morning I woke up, turned on “I Am Piano” and felt as if I had just woken up for the first time. My father is a Buddhist, studying deeply and meditating through the days. He says it was a spark of enlightenment, a moment where you’re so deeply brought into the present moment that you can see clearly. This song allowed me to see clearly, even if for a fleeting second. It let me see.
Thank you.
Peter Broderick
replied on
Kevin Crowley
commented on
For the last few years, you have been my favorite musician. Thank you for making such heartfelt music perfect for any mood. -Kevin from Montana
commented on
Nice to meet you Peter, i like so much your music, i think when i listen your music a lot of good feelings, i think my favourite song thats ”diverge”.
This song represent for me you’re a sentimental person, and i like it so much.
Thanks you for all your music, i’m your fan number 1º!!
See you, and good day for Galicia (North of Spain) and sorry for my english
Last in gym
commented on
Haha! I like the video ; especially the final part, it’s like “i have a brilliant song idea…whatever!”
Thanks Peter!
commented on
“ça fais du bien comme un câlin” in french for the rhyme… (it feel good as a hug)
commented on
Truly a fantastic track, it really does take me somewhere good. I find when the vocals come in it detracts from the place where the instrumental was taking me, any way of getting hold of a mix down without the vocals at the end? Cheers, Mike
Peter Broderick
replied on
mike! sorry for the slowness . . . it took a couple weeks for me to get an instrumental mixdown from nils. but i finally got it and i’ve uploaded it here:
replied on
Two years on and still greatly enjoying this track. When I returned here a while back I had missed the window to download the mix down before it expired.. If you still have it to hand would you mind uploading it/sending it over again? (sorry) (email is treemanfresh at gmail dot com)
Peter Broderick
replied on
will send it to you via email soon!
replied on
commented on
ohh!! very well played and interesting composition also. i tried to play the instrument but i can’t but what can do is listening it. i just readout your content and i feel interest to your works. i’ll follow your job. thanks
Cara Frances
commented on
I have such a huge crush on this song right now. I caught it late the other night on XFM and it’s fast becoming one of my favourite songs of the year. Beautiful, refreshing.. wonderfully light in a way that I don’t feel i’ve encountered much lately. Some beautiful songs make me feel almost exhausted after listening to them, but I just cant help wanting more and more of this.. totally stuck on repeat. I’m really glad I stumbled across your music, i’m loving everything I hear. I’ve found ‘human eyeballs on toast’ particularly affecting. Looking forward to hearing more
commented on
this is my first time ,i listen to your music . it is great,i come from china. thank you for your music.
Daniel Knobelsdorf
commented on
¡Ven al Sur!
Ever toured South America, Peter?
If you ever do (or do again) we’ll take care of you over here in Venezuela (which isn’t the place where musicians usually tour too, but if you do come to the South don’t just fly over us!).
Incredible life work sir, sing on!
Elijah Tebbetts
commented on
I love this song so much, I couldn’t help but create something new with it. I hope you don’t mind!
Peter Broderick
replied on
wow! the first remix!
i love it!!!!
thank you so much.
Jedadiah Bernards
commented on
Thanks for sending this to me. Sending you some big smiles from home.
Amy Underwood
commented on
I like your concept. Been hoping I stumble across something pretty this evening, surpassed my expectations. You have the eyes of a warlock and you’re a nice kooky monkey. Will spread the word via the world wide web
Much love Piiiiaaaannnooo x
Iain Scott
commented on
I can do that! I can do that! No I can’t … no I can’t … such deceptively beautiful music. Thanks.
Nuno Dorotea
commented on
I discovered your music by chance, making zapping the radio. I was fascinated. I can not stop listening to it and get inspired. Congratulations and thank you for your music make the day better.
For when a concert in Portugal?
Best regards
Peter Broderick
replied on
hopefully 2013 in portugal!
commented on
Ever since I picked up Home, I’ve been telling friends that they should be listening to you. It’s so rare to find work like this, with such an honest approach, such delicacy embraced by openness. You make my heart glad. I am very happy you have given your work to the world. Thank you!
commented on
I just discovered your new album after hearing this track on the BBC R6 Guy Garvey show. Full credit to BBC Radio for playing Nils Frahm last year which resulted in me seeing him in a Scandinavian Church in Liverpool and later following the music trail which lead to you and your beautiful music.
Hope you tour the UK in the future.
replied on
Nils as mentioned above
commented on
Thank you for sharing your music with us!
Benjamin van Vliet
commented on
I just reviewed your album for the Dutch magazine Gonzo (circus) and about this song I wrote that you can probably write songs like these in your sleep by now, but they still have great effect. I hope you take that as a comment
Benjamin van Vliet
replied on
Oops, I meant: I hope you take that as a compliment.
Peter Broderick
replied on
a compliment indeed! thanks benjamin.
commented on
Helou, Hello, Hola, Ola, Oi! We are alive! We are free, We are music. We are prior. Inspiring song!
Joe Cain
commented on
What a wonderful song, I head this whilst drifting off to sleep on the radio in England.. Was a joy.. I had to keep myself from falling asleep just to hear who this lovely sound was created by. Thank you Peter for this amazing piece of music!
Michael Meighan
commented on
Absolutley beautiful. Yet another reason why you are my constant source of inspiration. My new colection of songs is dedicated to you sir. They would not be possible without you (or Heather or Nils). These songs are to, for, and because of you. It’s a few months away from completion, but a few new songs can be heard here if you have a few minutes. A million times, thank you.
Peter Broderick
replied on
that’s some lovely music michael! thanks for sharing.
commented on
luis pena
commented on
gorgeous peter.
anna K hood
commented on
“I feel Love”
you made my day
I was sad
I saw your work
I just wanna say
you made me live / smile
I feel alive when I see your images
when I hear you songs
thank you for sharing
maybe I'll make a big something if I connect everything
this is called Shakti – the energy
of life
this is big
this is love
Chris Haines
commented on
Ooh, oooh. Am I really the first to comment!?
I stumbled upon this. I don’t feel like I have anything intelligent to say, except that it’s beautiful. I LIKE IT. There.
This whole website-album thing is genius. I hope it works for you.
D Sumner
commented on
This site is the kind of music discovery that brings tears to my eyes. I’ve been here for less than five minutes and I’m already so grateful.
Sergi Boal
commented on
i heard the first tune this morning. wow…. the day started good.
You are my inspiration.
commented on
Dearest Peter,
From the very first listens of Docile, to the incredibly endearing and lovely website I am writing on now, you have been innovating in all directions.
I too love Piano, and that is why you got under my skin.
Keep up the beautiful work, we love it so very much.
commented on
Très beau…
commented on
I love the feeling of space and flow in this piece. I find it incredibly soothing in a very deep, soulful way. I heard some of your music on Radio 6 today and had to discover more. Its wonderful, thank you.
commented on
My favorit. Ordered your LP today and I m so sicted.
Greetings from Germany
rob terhaar
commented on
Great intro!
commented on
Solid state – amazing view
starts right here – ends too soon
Ohhhh the sound – pure pure
sound of miracles and imitations.
No one expires,
because soon is now, 4 evr……
commented on
commented on
It’s one of those warmer rainy days here in VA on the 29th of February when I came upon this. I plopped myself down on an empty library floor and pulled the headphones out of my computer so it could bounce off the walls. Could not have felt more at peace. Thank you for this.
commented on
What an beautiful to start an excellent album with.
commented on
started listening to this as my daughter was doing her maths homework opposite me, the music felt like the perfect backdrop to her chewing her pencil…
commented on
thank you for this song
commented on
I’m curious as to why you chose Dmajor as the key for this piece. Was it a conscious choice when writing this?
Did you start with that repeating D note, and build from there? Or was it written on paper and then played?
Also the layering of the other instruments is near perfection. Was this all written beforehand, or did you improvise aspects of them as you were listening to it?
Peter Broderick
replied on
it all started with that repeating d.
then i added the other piano tones and recorded that . . . and then i listened back and wrote all the other lines on top
replied on
When i’ve heard beginning of this song for the first time, it reminded me of Lippy Kids by Elbow, another great song starting with repeating d
replied on
I also was reminded about Elbow, I am glad you admit that. But surely it is expanded into a new and great song.
I like your album, and I will probably buy it.
I hope other people will too, instead of ripping it from the web somewhere.
Si and Jo
commented on
So great to see this up and running
your music has given us so much joy. We remember this from flikr, so glad it’sade it’s way here x
commented on
This is simply very amazing. I can’t get over it. Honestly! I don’t understand how you and Nils can write such beautiful music! Absolute genius! This is flawless. Perfection.
commented on
Just read my Mojo mag while in the bath & was curious what this ‘Link that is an album’ was … i’m already glad I did, that was beautiful … everything kind of stopped around me while it was playing, that rarely happens to me these days after so many years of listening to music … Thank you !
Gonna listen to the rest now before bed …
commented on
Love everything you do. This is gorgeous. Cannot keep up with you! Gig last September in Dublin, best ever
commented on
Is there anywhere to stream all the tracks at once or am I overlooking it?
If not, I’d suggest providing that option.
Ben in Oregon
Peter Broderick
replied on
hi ben!
that’s a good question . . . but i decided not to offer that option on the site, in the hope that if people like all the tracks they can seek out the album in it’s entirety, whether that be by downloading or buying a cd or vinyl. hope that makes sense, and thanks for the feedback!
replied on
Ah, gotcha. I don’t think I realized that a download or physical copy would ever be an option. Make sense now. Thanks, Peter!
The Good Energy
commented on
Sound Escape by The Good Energy
this site is good energy!
commented on
Hi Peter!
Are there any books that you would recommend that discusses the emotional response brought on by the use of various notes, instumentation and the like?
Peter Broderick
replied on
hi jerry.
i haven’t read too much on the subject . . . but i do love john cage’s writings about music and general philosophy. especially his book “silence”. i guess that’s not really answering your question directly, but maybe it’s interesting anyway…
commented on
just hear you on xfm. lovely work!
commented on
Great autobiographic song, I hope I can be one too soon.
commented on
i love it. i love the start. i love here.
commented on
Please never forget that you changed my life forever Pete.
You’re my piano.
commented on
I remember this from the valentine’s day show at Union Chapel…I think you started the set with it.
It’s not long been valentine’s day again, and although many things have changed I am still in love with the piano.
Peter Broderick
replied on
oh yes, that was one of the two or three times i played this song live. a nice night that was
commented on
just: Thank you. It’s plain, beautiful and pure.